Thursday, September 22, 2016

no piggy banks, please

We have a coin counting machine, like many other banks, and our machine gets used every day. I wish we had rules posted for customers who want to utilize it. It would make life so much easier. There are certain things that tend to tick me off when I run coin for people. If I were to create a sign of posted rules for the machine, I would add the following guidelines:

1. Only US coins accepted
(I mean really, this is America. Speak English and bring your US currency.)

2. No wet coin allowed
(This one really should not have to be written in black and white, but sadly there is a good reason for it being number two on the list.)

Thursday, September 15, 2016


Words are a funny thing. Some words have different meanings to different people, and some people make up new terms for everyday things. Take, for instance, last week when I was on the phone with a customer. She kept asking to talk to the person who was in the motor bank. I had no idea what she was talking about! Motor bank?

The only thing I could picture from the term motor bank was an RV in the middle of a parking lot trying to pass as a financial institution. Sorry, but there are no RV's in our parking lot at this time.

And if there were, I'd be a little leery of the money they'd be handing out. For real, sounds sketchy to me.

So I said to her, "I'm not sure what a motor bank is." (This was kind of embarrassing to admit because I work at a bank and you'd think I'd know what a motor bank was.)

Thursday, September 8, 2016

knowing my limits

The best way to start off a day at work is with a cup of coffee by your side. I mean, what else do you need? You certainly don’t need your first customer in drive thru to come without a shirt. I mean, if it’s too early to put a shirt on dude, then it’s definitely too early to come to the bank.

Just saying.

There were a lot of,
customers that came to my window today.

I really feel sorry for most of them. Most of the time. But not today.

Today I felt sorry for myself for even coming to work and exposing myself to the public when I was obviously not ready to handle it. I know my limits. I think the bank is more appreciative of me if I recognize my limitations and know when to quit. I’m sure they would pat me on the back if I was to leave work early when I saw myself fizzling out, right?


Thursday, September 1, 2016

the repairman

I've gotta start off by saying that life has been pretty busy lately. Summer is winding down and school is starting back up. I used to be effected by these types of changes. Now, the only thing that effects me about school starting up is that I will be slowed down by a couple of school buses on my normal route to work. Hopefully, not making me late.

This week at work, we discovered that the drawer we send out for lane one in the drive thru wasn't working properly. When smarter, more mechanical people than I went outside to find out what the problem was, they discovered that a few of our lovely customers had tossed pens underneath the motorized tray. There were at least seven of our pens stuck in there.

Needless to say, the tray was fried, and a repairman was called in to fix it.

Now I, being the lucky person I am, was working the drive thru when the repairman came to fix lane one. When I returned from my lunch break, I was immediately aware that the said repairman was there. My working space is pretty small to begin with, but when you add both TV monitors (used for unimpaired visual to lane two) on my counter, plus the rotund repairman in close working space -- I was cramped!